One of the fastest growing water sports in the world, Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) is a great way to explore many bodies of water, from a lake, to the ocean, to a moving river. People of all ages and skill levels can be standing up and paddling their first day on the water. RMA rents high-quality inflatable paddleboards that are perfect for use on lakes and certain rivers (not the Roanoke River). Our boards are very stable and easy to transport for all users. You can take fully inflated boards if you have a truck, trailer, or appropriate roof rack. Or you can take the boards deflated in any vehicle and use our high-quality hand pumps to inflate the board once you get to your paddling destination. Paddleboard rentals include Life Jacket (PFD), paddle, pump and dry bag. Please make sure you SUP with appropriate attire for the current water and air temperature.

Same-Day Return
(by 5:45 PM)
Overnight Rental
(at 10 )
Multi-Day Rental
Weekly Rental
Paddleboarding has been allowed at nearby Carvins Cove since 2016 with a few stipulations. The water is owned and governed by the Western Virginia Water Authority and they have the right to revoke the privilege. Please respect the rules and help to educate others! See the links below for more info on paddling at the Cove, which requires a $7/vehicle fee.
There are several other flat water options in the region for stand-up paddleboarding, including Rutrough Point at Explore Park, Claytor Lake State Park, and Smith Mountain Lake.